Friday, September 12, 2008

I don't want to have sex with Dov Charney

Just because a girl wants to be trendy and finally cave to the fact that skinny jeans are here for awhile, doesn't mean she's giving up a part of her soul. I may be caving to peer pressure - my ankles lately feel like they're swimming in my boot cut jeans. But so much of fashion is caving to peer pressure, isn't it?

So, having said that, I want these American Apparel "unisex" slim slacks in midnight blue. I promise I'll wear a shirt.

1 comment:

e said...

golly I just LOVE the slim slack. altho I've only tried it on in slim slack lite, not the regular kind. and I want like all of the colors. well, not all. if I had to pick, I'd want light yellow.